Setup ONEOffice for administrator

  • First Time Login for Administrator
  • Update CNAME and MX Records
  • Dashboard
  • Update Email Alias
  • Purchase ONEOffice Setup
  • First Time Login for Administrator

    Upon successful activation of your myBusiness account, please login to using your chosen login ID and password.

    In your Access Apps (Dashboard), click Assign user(s).

    You will be directed to Manage Users page. Select the user you want to assign as Administrator.


    Note: The Administrator should be assigned first in order to accept the Google Terms upon launching the app. If Administrator has not accepted the terms upon launch of the app, all End Users will not be able to use the service.

    Tick the check box of the user you selected and click Assign.


    Enter your First Name, Last Name and Email ID you want to use and select ONEOffice Admin under Application Role.Click OK.

    Your request will be submitted for processing.

    The assignment of the user will take about 2 to3 minutes to process. Once the ONEOffice Administrator has been assigned successfully, you will be able to launch the application.

    Update CNAME and MX Records

    You are just 2 steps away from using Singtel ONEOffice. In myBusiness Dashboard, click on Launch App to update your CNAME and your MX Records.

    If your domain name is hosted with SingNet, please follow the steps below.

    Alternatively, please click here to contact us for assistance.

    After you launch ONEOffice, you will see this welcome page:

    For domains registered under SingNet

    Please note: The below information only applies to SingNet Domain.

    To update your MX records and CName, please open a new browser and go to: Enter your domain name as the login (eg: and password.

    Upon successful login, click on your domain name URL to edit the CNAME and update MX records. 

    Please click on the Add mailserver and enter the mail server information as instructed on the ONEOffice activation page.

    Click on Add record when done.


    Click on Add alias to add the CNAME. Please enter the Google activation string as displayed in the
    ONEOffice Activation page, and set the alias to and click on Add record.


    For domains registered under ONEOffice

    Update CNAME and MX Record in Domain Name for ONEOffice

    1. Launch both ONEOffice and Domain Name for ONEOffice from your myBusiness Dashboard.


    2. Once you launched ONEOffice, you will see the domain verification notice page. Take note of your CNAME.


    3. From your Domain Name for ONEOffice Cpanel, click Advance DNS Zone Editor icon.


    4. Update the following:

      >> copy the unique string, append "." and your domain.

      TTL:          300
      >> this is fixed

      Type:         CNAME
      >> select CNAME from the picklist

      >> copy this from ONEOffice Notice page.

    5. Once everything has a green check, it means all your entries are correct. Click Add Record. Under Zone File Records, you will be able to see the record you just added.


    6. Go back to ONEOffice notice page, copy the details of the MX record to the Cpanel. Take note to remove the "." after ".com".


    7. From Domain Name for ONEOffice Cpanel home page, click the MX entry icon


    8. Under Email Routing, tick Automatically Detect Configuration.


    9. After adding all your MX records, you will notice that all you entered are reflected in the system.


    10. Under MX Record, delete the first record in the list.


    11. In the Add New Record section, copy the MX entries from your ONEOffice Notice page and click Add New Record button.


    12. The domain verification will take effect within the next 48hrs. Once completed, you will be able to launch your ONEOffice.



    From your myBusiness Access Apps (Dashboard), launch ONEOffice.

    In order to start using ONEOffice, click Manage under Google CPanel in your ONEOffice Dashboard.


    You will be directed to Google Terms & Conditions and click I accept.

    After accepting the terms, you can go back to Dashboard and access ONEOffice services.

    Update Email Alias

    Email Alias/Nickname allows domain admin to create and delete an alternative email address via Google CPanel that points to an existing user account.

    For example, the user may also want to receive email addressed to . If the domain admin create as an email alias/nickname for, ONEOffice will deliver email for both of these addresses to the same inbox.

    1. Click Manage under Google CPanel in ONEOffice Dashboard

    2. Click the Users menu. If the admin is still on the old CPanel, click on "Organization and Users Tab".

    3. Click the user you want to assign an email alias.

    4. Click on Profile to show the Profiles Menu on the right.

    5. Scroll down to find Nickname and click Add a nickname.

    6. Enter your desired email alias/nickname and click Save changes.

    7. The newly added nickname will appear on the list.

    8. To remove the nickname, just click the Remove link beside the nickname and click Save changes.

    Purchase ONEOffice Setup

    If you need help in setting up your ONEOffice account, you can purchase ONEOffice Setup online. This one-time setup includes assisting you in updating the CNAME & MX records with your domain provider, creating up to 5 users and assigning licenses, updating the POP/IMAP password and configuring ONEOffice on email clients. You can use the solution immediately when the setup is completed.

    Purchasing ONEOffice Setup

    1. Click Manage App under ONEOffice from your myBusiness Dashboard.

    2. Click on Manage VAS.

    3. Put 1 under Qty for ONEOffice Setup. Please note that system will not allow customers to purchase more than 1 service.

    4. Click Proceed. This will redirect to shopping cart.

    5. Click Submit my Order.