Installing and Using Google Drive Sync

How to install Google Drive Sync Client

1. To sync Google Drive, go to your ONEOffice Dashboard, click "launch"

2. You will be directed to Drive. Click on Download Google Drive for PC.

3. Click Accept and Install.

4. You will be directed to the page below and Google Drive Installer will pop up.

5. You will need to restart your computer before using Google Drive.

6. Open the Google Drive on the folder where you downloaded the application on your PC. Enter your ONEOffice email and click Sign In.

7. Click here.

8. You will be directed to login your myBusiness login and password.

9. Click Next

10. Click on "Start Sync" if you want to sync all your files on Google Drive or Click on "Advanced setup" if you want to choose what to sync.

11. Once sync is complete, you will be able to see all your online documents on the Google Drive folder.

12. Whenever you create a document under ONEOffice Drive, your Google Drive folder will also be updated.