ONEOffice New Features

  • it is easy to sync files from your hard drive to Google Drive on the web
  • giving you access to your files on any device, at any time
  • Google Drive's built-in sync capability ensures that all your files are the same on all your devices.
  • Upload files up to 5GB of storage
  • Share files to everyone
  • Create and reply to comments on files to get feedback or ideas
  • Multiple users can edit the same file at the same time. All revisions are saved and recoverable.
  • iles stored on ONEOffice Drive are always accessible and backed-up online.
  • ONEOffice Drive works across operating systems and supports popular formats such as .doc, .xls, .ppt, and .pdf.
  • Secure access controls, as administrators can manage file sharing permissions system-wide and document owners can share and revoke file access at anytime.

Click here to deploy Google Drive Sync.  

1-click Launch

1-click Launch is a new feature for customers to directly launch their applications without visiting myBusiness Dashboard. It is most convenient for those working with their Google mail using ONEOffice application. Currently, users have to login to myBusiness Dashboard, launch ONEOffice application, and then launch Google mail. With 1-click launch, users can directly launch their Google Mail from their desktop shortcuts or browser bookmarks. The mechanism will skip unnecessary pages and direct customers to their final URLs.

Click here to deploy 1-click Launch

Email Alias

Email Alias allows domain admin to create and delete an alternative email address via Google CPanel that points to an existing user account.

For example, the user might also want to receive email addressed to If the domain admin create as an email alias for, ONEOffice will deliver email for both of these addresses to the same inbox.

Click here to deploy Email Alias.