
Employees deliver better results when employers recognise their work and reward them accordingly. Delivering service promises such as timely payment of salaries, provision of annual leave and balanced work schedules are factors that employees take into consideration when they look for employment or reasons cited for staying in the company.

Employee welfare is important for businesses to function smoothly, and so the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and Central Provident Fund (CPF) have in place the WorkRight initiative* to protect the rights of employees against errant HR work ethics. This initiative ensures:

  1. On-time payment of salary and overtime payment
  2. Proper CPF contributions
  3. Provision of paid annual and sick leave
  4. Work hours are adhered to

As employers, in order to fulfill your responsibilities and maintain compliance, proper HR systems need to be in place for these to be effectively achieved. Rather than relying on manual methods of data entry and calculations, MecWise HR e-Scheduling Package can help simplify, streamline and automate your processes – saving your office precious time and ultimately, costs.

Save $5,000 with SPRING’s Innovation & Capability Voucher (ICV)

Take advantage of SPRING Singapore’s ICV# for local Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The ICV, valued at $5,000, is offered to offset approved productivity solutions such as HR e-scheduling systems that SMEs would like to adopt.

MecWise HR e-Scheduling Package

Stay on top of things with the MecWise HR e-Scheduling Package, an ICV-approved end-to-end HR solution for all small business needs.

Manage your payroll processing easily

Pay salaries on time and calculate CPF and IRAS
contributions accurately

  • Automate payroll processes
  • Built in templates for CPF, IRAS and GIRO
  • Compliant with MOM requirements

Track and manage leave applications

Ensure that employees are given their entitled rest days

  • Track leave applications electronically
  • Allows employees to self-manage their details
  • Access individual password-protected payslips

Simplify roster planning and time-sheet tracking

Easily control the number of hours of work daily and calculate
overtime hours for payroll needs

  • Adopts best practices in Employment Act guidelines
  • Import data from existing time clock/reader systems
  • Auto-compute work and overtime hours
Enjoy Over 50% Savings with ICV!
With the ICV, you can enjoy the complete works of the MecWise HR e-Scheduling Package with over 50% savings.
MecWise HR e-scheduling Package (for 30 employees)
You can also automate your claims process with MecWise Claims. Find out more about
MecWise HR Solution here.
* Source: Ministry of Manpower: WorkRight Toolkit
# Subjected to approval by SPRING Singapore. For more information on SPRING ICV, visit: